The technology of the future, my perspective – Part 2

Are you one of those guys who buy everything online, what about food or other stuff. As in part one I talked about games, virtual reality and such but how can the technology of the future be with food and stuff that you buy online.

Online shopping / 3D printing

It started long time ago when Ebay, Amazone and many other companies started to sell products from a website and delivering the product to your home or if it is some type of software you would be able to download it to your computer. As I said in the last blog I thought about Star Trek and again in this blog I think again how foods and stuff is created with the food replicator. As you may know or not that today we are creating awesome technology using 3d printing using some type of plastic substance and we are also going for technology creating food, steel, body parts and many other things using the 3d printing technology. But how would it be in the future using online shopping? 

 With in 50-100 years we would use some type of atom/quantum 3d  printing solution, so when we buy something online it will print  instantly in your “Food Replicator(3d printer)”. But what about thefts  of products such as  foods and other types of  stuff that you would be  able to download. I  would think that in the future if you would download a food there would be someone who would add additional substance such as nanites(Nano Robots), virus that would enter your body when you eat it. You would be able to create your own ideas and print it on your quantum 3d printer. In previous blog I talked about virtual reality, what´s stopping the buyers going to the online store in a vr world, being able to touch, feel, taste before you buy the product online and save time, instead of driving long roads to buy stuff.


The technology of the future, my perspective – Part 1

I have always been interested in technology, no matter what kind of technology is created, it is always fascinating. I have been thinking on how the future will be in the next 50-100 years and I could do to predict how it will be in technology.


The future of games reminds me of the Holo Deck in Star Trek. Now how would that be in the future, as you might know or not there is a new VR goggles from Oculus Rift that is hopefully coming very soon because I am very excited about that product.

Google is also creating a new product named Google Glass which you put on and take pictures, videos and many other things. It seems so that VR and using the eyes more is the future, but I think the products will be smaller and smaller until at one point it will be some kind of contact lens that you put on your eyes that will provide full VR experience and also will allow you to take pictures, videos, 24 hours a day. Games are getting more realistic so at that point I think the VR experience will be as futuristic as cool as the Holo Deck in Star Trek, but you don´t need to be at some room to experience this as it is in Star Trek. You might also be doing multi player with other users which are located in different countries. Imagine that, being able to meet, play and do stuff with users in a photographic realistic VR world. But there is one thing that is missing from all this and that is being able to touch and feel the surfaces, textures and the world around you such as wind, rain, heat, cold etc. 


How would that be done. The only thing that I could imagine how that would be is to be able use a small device that does some brainwave stuff that would pinpoint a certain point in the brain that contains feelings, emotions, etc.